Corporate Compliance Statements

The following statements are presented to provide information on DNOW's global initiatives regarding the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, UK Finance Act 2016 and the Forced Labor Convention, as well as company policies on human rights, HSE and environmental issues.

Available Compliance Statements

  1. Canada Modern Slavery Report
  2. Norwegian Transparency Act Statement
  3. UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
  4. UK Tax Strategy Statement
  5. Human Rights Policy
  6. Forced Labor Statement
  7. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy Statement
  8. Environmental Policy Statement

Canada Modern Slavery Report

Pursuant to the Canada Modern Slavery Act, organisations that supply goods and services, carry on a business or part of a business in Canada, and have assets in Canada and that, based on its consolidated financial statements, has at least $20 million in assets, has generated at least $40 million in revenue, and employs an average of at least 250 employees are required to submit a report for each financial year.

DNOW seeks to uphold human rights in all its operations and facilities. We do not condone or permit the use of child, forced, indentured, or involuntary labour in any of our operations. We promote the health and safety of all our workers everywhere. In addition, we ensure compliance with fair wage and hour laws in all DNOW operations. We will not knowingly conduct business with - and will terminate business dealings with - any supplier or other business partner who violates these standards.

Read DNOW's full Canada Modern Slavery Report

Norwegian Transparency Act Statement

Pursuant to Section 5 of the Norwegian Transparency Act (2021), organisations which supply goods and services, carry on a business or part of a business in Norway, and holds sales revenues of NOK 70 million and a balance sheet total of NOK 35 million are required to publish a statement for each financial year.

This statement represents the values and standards of the DNOW Companies, as well as any affiliates or subsidiaries that may become integrated with DNOW in Norway in the future. We strive to respect and promote human rights in accordance with all legal requirements and international human rights standards applicable to DNOW, including but not limited to the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Forced Labor Conventions.

Read DNOW's full Norwegian Transparency Act Statement

UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Beginning 29 October 2015, organisations that supply goods and services in the United Kingdom and have a total global annual turnover of at least £36 million are required to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement for each financial year, pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

DNOW seeks to uphold human rights in all its operations and facilities. We do not condone or permit the use of child, forced, indentured, or involuntary labour in any of our operations. We promote the health and safety of all our workers everywhere. In addition, we ensure compliance with fair wage and hour laws in all DNOW operations. We will not knowingly conduct business with - and will terminate business dealings with - any supplier or other business partner who violates these standards.

Read DNOW's full UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

UK Tax Strategy Statement

The UK Finance Act 2016 requires any multinational group with a turnover in excess of €750 million and at least one UK subsidiary or a UK permanent establishment to publish its UK tax strategy for each financial year.

The DNOW UK Companies are committed to conducting their tax affairs consistent with DNOW's Tax Department Mission Statement, which aims to observe all applicable UK laws, rules, and regulations in meeting tax compliance and reporting responsibilities everywhere the Companies operate.

Read DNOW's full UK Tax Strategy Statement

Human Rights Policy

The mission and values of NOW Inc., its subsidiaries, and affiliates (collectively referred to herein as “DNOW”) reflect our unwavering respect for human dignity and fundamental human rights."

Read DNOW's full Human Rights Policy statement

Forced Labor Statement

On any given day, there are more than 40 million men, women and children who are forced to work against their will under threat. Ending forced labor requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the array of forces that contribute to vulnerability and enable abuses. This statement outlines DNOW’s commitment against forced labor.

Read DNOW's full Forced Labor Statement

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy Statement

DNOW is committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, customers, the public, and the environment while acting in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. DNOW strives for continuous improvement in health, safety, and environmental practices to enhance our company’s business performance, satisfy customer requirements, and create positive change globally as well as in our local communities.

Read DNOW's full HSE Policy Statement

Environmental Policy Statement

DNOW is committed to being a responsible steward of the environment and working to minimize our impact on the environment through energy management, conservation initiatives, responsible water conservation and recycling, where applicable. DNOW strives for continuous improvement in health, safety, and environmental practices to enhance our company’s business performance, satisfy customer requirements, and create positive change globally as well as in our local communities, while acting in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.

Read DNOW's full Environmental Policy Statement